A Community that Inspiring
to grow up your Knowledge

Kalmunai IT Hub is a non-profit social enterprise which strives towards inspiring, supporting and fostering Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the community.


We Support your ideas, to make it live


Monthly Meetups & Expert Tech Talks


We share the latest trending technologies


Let’s share some knowledge

There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.

Let's Organize some Events

Aenean pretium, ipsum et porttitor auctor, metus ipsum iaculis nisi, a bibendum lectus libero vitae urna. Sed id leo eu dolor luctus congue sed eget ipsum. Nunc nec luctus libero. Etiam quis dolor elit.


Who We Are ?

We are the group of volunteers who loves to share the knowledge. We welomes new comers to make the community more stronger

Proin a neque nisi. Nam ipsum nisi, venenatis ut nulla quis, egestas scelerisque orci. Maecenas a finibus odio.

Suhail Jamaldeen


Integer molestie aliquam gravida. Nullam nec arcu finibus, imperdiet nulla vitae, placerat nibh. Cras maximus venenatis molestie.

Ahamed Safnaj


Quisque diam odio, maximus ac consectetur eu, auctor non lorem. Cras quis est non ante ultrices molestie. Ut vehicula et diam at aliquam.

Mohamed Irfan

126 Event
12 Hackathons
25 Members
8 Projects

Our Events

Microsoft 365 Bootcamp

Global Microsoft 365 Bootcamp Organized By Kalmunai IT Hub and Microsoft Most Valuable Professions (MVPs) on 7th December 2019.
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Microsoft Sharepoint Workshop

Conducted by Suhail Jamaldeen (Microsoft MVP) at ESOFT Campus Nintavur on 22nd of November 2018.
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Cloud Computing with Azure

Cloud Computing with Microsoft Azure workshop has been organized by Kalmunai IT Hub at IDM Campus Kalmunai.
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Talk To Us

Say Hello to Us
   +94 77 209 7766 - Suhail Jamaldeen
   +94 77 797 4207 - Ahamed Safnaj


   Kalmunai IT Hub